Health Boosting Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients

Sample Products

Sample Health Benefits

Tiger nuts are highly rich in fiber. They control blood sugar, normalize blood pressure, remove bad cholesterol, improves brain function and sleep, improves digestion and reproductive health.

Sample Health Benefits

Red dates cleanse the body, energize, strengthen bones, improve skin texture and sleep. They also have a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Sample Health Benefits

Packed with fiber, chia seeds contribute significantly to heart health by reducing cholesterol and improving digestion. This high-fiber content also aids in weight control by increasing satiety and lowering the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease

“The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.”

Henry David Thoreau


EBCI Naturals is your source for wholesome, nutrient-rich seeds and nuts.
We offer a variety of options, from raw and roasted nuts to convenient nut powders for smoothies, baking, and more.
Experience the difference that natural, unprocessed foods can make in your health journey.



Have questions about seeds or nuts? We’re here to help.


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